Courses of Reiki

Próximamente Will program new dates for our courses. Consult us! The courses impart the weekends and have a length of all a dayGroups reduced. After the courses will have permanent support of your master to resolve the doubts that arise you.
Formaciones de todos los niveles de Reiki
The reiki is a technician of canalisation of energy through the hands, where actuates our natural capacity of car sanación, releasing energetic blockades.
Reiki Nivel I (Shoden)
You will receive the initiation and the basic knowledges to start with to transmit the energy Reiki to you same and to other people.
Reiki Nivel II (Okuden)
In the second level of Reiki augment your energetic level considerably reducing the times and increasing the effectiveness in the car treatments, and...
Nivel III ( Shinpiden)
The third level supposes an energetic change and an important turning point, calls him the inner Mastery since it supposes a deep work to personal level that...
Maestria Reiki (Gokukaiden)
The mastery is the last level of Reiki, to make it is necessary to have the three anterior levels and advise that it have spent a year from the initiation of the...
Curso de meditación integral
You will learn step by step and from Zero the wonderful and effective art of the Meditation. - Diseño de paginas - Guia comercial de el prat

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